Part 118: We're really in trouble now.
-We are the Capua Family!-


That thing must be more than five thousand arge across. It's like a giant floating island...

No, look closely. The base is artificial.

It's more a floating city than an island...

A c-city...

Well, we can't just sit here...
All right, guys! Listen up! We are getting onto that flying city-island!



Of course I'm serious! I've never been more serious!

If those society fools have brought that thing back, then think!

It must be full of incredible treasure! Enough to pay our debts ten times over!

Y-You've got to be kidding me...

We can't just go waltzing into something that huge! Josette, back me up, here!


Honestly, at this point...I bet there are things on that city I want, too. Like, beyond treasure.

Oh, Aidios, save me.

K-Kyle does have a point, though! Things have been weird all day, so we should probably be careful. I mean, for starters, the radio's been silent for ages!

That IS true. Guild and army transmissions are one thing, but even the civilian channels are dead. Which is--



A wave of light?

-Engaged People in Secret Maneuvers-

What happened?! Report!
Sky Bandit Lonnie: BOSS! BIG PROBLEM!


W-Wait, that means...

We're really in trouble now. The flight field from the engines is dissipating. The Bobcat's not answering her helm at all, either.

You're kidding!

You mean we can't do anything?!


There's only one thing we can do at this point.


Pray to Aidios that it's not our time to be called to Heaven...